

Reef Trips
Scuba Trip
Tanks & Weights
Tanks, Weights, Reg, BCD
Full Gear (including wetsuits)
Snorkel/Bubble Watcher (Rider)
SNUBA 1 site/Snorkel 1 site
SNUBA 2 sites
Dive Guide 1st person
Dive Guide @ add per person
Hunting Guide 1st person
Hunting Guide @ add 2nd person
Night Dive add
Wreck Dive add
Nitrox Trip Tank
If online dates aren't available please, call. We often have room for you,

All Lesons include learning materials, boat trips, rentals and registrations.
If online dates aren't available please, call. We often have room for you,
All prices are subject to change without notice.
Certifying 10 & 11 yr olds may have additional fees due to a required decreased student to instructor ratio.
Rx Mask
Snorkel Fins
Open Heel Fins
Mask, Snorkel, Fins Set
Short Wetsuit
Full Wetsuit
Float Flag
Cancellation Policies
Considerable time and prepartation goes into your trip and course scheduling. The following cancellation policies are strictly enforced for the consideration of all passengers, classes, and crew.
To receive a FULL REFUND, cancellations must be made 2 weeks prior to your reservation.
There are NO REFUNDS for:
Parties failure to show up for their scheduled reservation or course.
Incompletion of a course once initiated. Weather conflicts will receive a raincheck/reschedule.
Inclement weather and adverse sea conditions will be determined and cancelled by the Captain.
All trips cancelled by the Captain will receive the choice of a FULL REFUND, a raincheck, or simply to reschedule.
Certified Divers must be current in their skills. If an extended time has elapsed since their last dive, they may be required to take a refresher course and/or hire a dive guide.

Medical Waiver

All participants reserving for compressed air activities are healthy and fit to dive. They do not suffer from:
Asthma ( No inhalers)
Diabetes (Type 1 or Type 2 treated with meds)
Heart Attacks
Heart Surgeries
Pulmonary or Lung Disfunction
Pulmomary or Lung Surgeries
Inability to equalize ears
Currently treated for any other Major Medical Condition
Failure to release medical information at time of reservation may disqualify them as participants and
NO REFUNDS will be issued. Your safety is paramount so please call us if you have any questions.
Dive Experience (Pool only 1/2 Day)
Resort Course (Pool/Boat 1 Day)
Refresher Course (Pool/Boat 1 Day)
Open Water Course (Pool/Boat 3 Days)
Open Water Check Out Dives (Boat Only)
Advanced Open Water (1 1/2 Days)
Hunting Certification (2 trips)
Nitrox, Rescue, & Other Specialties
(Starting at)